Poem Analyzing

General Poem Analyzing
by michellie

         General poem analysis is the process of investigating a poem by its form, content and even its structural content. The content of a  poem is analyze based on its historical context, modern content, types, figure of speech, sound devices, pauses, rhyming, repetition, parallelism, intrinsic elements, extrinsic elements, and etc. While poem structural analysis contain stanza analysis, pauses, syllables, meter, and etc. the use of poem analysing is to produce some effect like conscious understanding or even to expand your understanding and knowledge. To write a good poem analysis here’s a few tips from us!
  1. FIRST, Read all of the poem and understand its meaning!
Reading it more than once will definitely will helps
  1. SECOND, Find its literal meaning and to understand the whole pom you should understand the meaning of each word first!
  2. THIRD, find think about the title and how its relates to the poem
  3. LASTLY! Analyze your poem why its mood, tone, paraphrase, theme, and so on

The Road Not Taken  
by Robert Frost

Two roads / diverged / in a yellow wood,//
And sorry/  I could not / travel both//
And / be one traveler, / long I stood / And looked down / one as far as I could//
To where it bent / in the undergrowth;//
Then /  took the other, /  as just as fair,//
And having / perhaps the better claim,//
Because it was grassy / and wanted wear;//
Though as for that / the passing there / Had worn them really / about the same,//
And both / that morning/  equally lay / In leaves / no step had trodden black.//
Oh,/ I kept the first / for another day!
Yet / knowing / how way leads on to way,//
I doubted / if I should ever come back.//
I shall be telling this / with a sigh / Somewhere ages / and ages hence://
Two roads / diverged in a wood, / and I I took the one / less traveled by,//
And that /  has made / all the difference.//

General Poem Analysis ( by Michellie) :

           "The Road Not Taken is a poem by Robert Frost, Published in 1916 as the first poem in the collection Mountain Interval. “The Road Not Taken” is one of Robert Frost’s most familiar and most popular poems. The poem is made out of 20 lines and 4 stanza. The poem has four stanza and consist of 5 line each, each line has 8 until 10 syllables in a iambic pattern. The first line rhymes with the third and fourth line and the second line rhyme with the fifth line. That makes the rhythmic pattern of this poem is a-b-a-a-b pattern. The poem has many symbolism figure of speech and uses metaphor create some image of the poems. This poem in the first person view, and the character is anonymous whether its Robert Frost, other people or the reader.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
       In the first stanza, it explains that the character faces 2 choices and he doesnt know which one to take, and he knows that he couldn’t take both. From the way robert frost pictures it, he finds the pathway like the one we see in our daily life.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
         The second stanza, the person seems confused which road to choose, because both road seems the same "Had worn them really about the same". When the person tried the other road it to make it fair but the road this time seems more appealing because its was grassy "Because it was grassy and wanted wear;"
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
        On The third stanza the person convince himself/herself about the success he will receive in the future, and whatever road that person chooses it will change that person future and if the road that person takes is wrong, guilt and regret will haunt him forever "In leaves no step had trodden black." the person also realise that the choices that person choose are permanently and irreversible.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
          The last stanza, The person continue his/her sadness and confusion feels and vibes from third stanza. As in the last stanza, the person realizes that the last of his/her decision and its permanent. He/She realizes the magnitude of the impact the road had on him/her. The last three line told us that the person choose the road that less person choose, the hard one and it does make a difference in that person life.


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