
by jason joseph, darren t., shelley

Most people when asked about a poetry,out of all the other qualities, they always mention rhyme first. Rhyme is the repetition of accented vowel sounds, and all sounds following them, in words that are close together in a poem.Rhyme also helps to structure or shape poetry, organizing the verse, and intensifying the meaning because words that rhyme are more noticeable than words that don't rhyme.

Words that rhyme within the same line are called Internal Rhyme. An end rhyme occurs at the end of lines in a poem,usually end rhyme are spaced 1-4 lines apart. Poets use rhyme to gives readers and listeners a sense of expectation, and makes poems easier to memorize.

  1. How to indicate a rhyme scheme
           The method to indicate a rhyme is by using small letters to denote the rhyming sounds at the end of lines. What matters is the sound , not the spelling, you have to say it out loud to see if they rhyme.
           Example of poem with abab pattern:
           I like candy
           I think it’s dandy
          It’s good to eat
          It’s just to sweet

Types of rhyme
  • Masculine rhyme : a rhyme on one syllable only
  • Feminine rhyme : a rhyme on two syllables
  • Ear-rhyme : a true rhyme when spoken out loud, even when it looks like it shouldn’t be by its spelling.
  • Eye-rhyme : a rhyme that looks like it should be a rhyme but doesn’t
  • Rich Rhymes: using two different words that happen to sound the same
  • Slant Rhymes: Rhyme in which two words share just a vowel sound
  • End Rhymes: Rhyming of the final words of lines in a poem

Half-rhyme is a very commonly used in modern and contemporary poetry. It repeats the final consonant sound in words without the corresponding vowel sound.Half-rhyme can also take form of an eye-rhyme. The following are a few analysis related to rhyming.

Life of a Cupcake
By Shelby Greer
They put me in the oven to bake
Me, A deprived and miserable cake
Feeling the heat, I started to bubble.
Watching the others, I knew I was in trouble
They opened the door and I started my life.
Frost me with a silver knife.
Decorating me with candy jewels.
The rest of my batch looked like fools.
Lifting me up, she took off my wrapper
Feeling the breeze, I wanted to slap her
Opening her mouth with shiny teeth inside.
This was the day this cupcake died.

 Analysis (by Darren) :
In this poem, it is about the life of a non living thing which is the cupcake. But if we go into the mind of a cupcake and let's say it is alive this is what the cupcake would think of and how miserable its life would be if you're a cupcake. So the start of the poem it starts off with the cupcake before becoming a cupcake being sent into the oven to be baked. The cupcake hasn’t had a life yet when being sent into the oven. But after time passes by, the cupcake is now formed and there the cupcake has started his life. As the oven opens, There the life of the cupcake begins. It starts off with the cupcake being frosted over with a silver knife from the humans. After being frosted the cupcake is then decorated with candy jewels. The cupcakes looked very special and beautiful that it made the other cupcakes around him looked like low budget and not very pretty cupcakes and looked like fools. After the cupcake was done being decorated over. The cupcake is then being taken by a human. Lifting the cupcake up, and taking off its wrapper. At this point when the cupcake felt the breeze from the breath of the human that wanted to eat the cupcake. The cupcake knew it was going to die. Feeling its breeze of its breathe it wanted to slap her. But it can't because it is a cupcake and cupcakes cant move. The human then opened its mouth and bite off the cupcake and eating it. This was the life of the cupcake and it died the same time it was created. The poem also has a rhythm at the every end of the sentence. For example, the word bake and cake rhymes but they're from line 1 and 2 but they rhyme very well. The Author uses rhymes for his poems because it makes the poem more musical and it has a rhyme into it making the poem more fun when reading it, it gives a sensation of having fun when reading about a fictional poem about cupcake living and dying on the same day.

Dust if You Must
By Rose Milligan

Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better
To paint a picture or write a letter,
Bake a cake or plant a seed,
Pounder the difference between want and need ?

Dust if you must, but there’s not much time,
With rivers to swim and mountains to climb,
Music to hear, and books to read,
Friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the world’s out there,
With the sun in your eyes, the wind on your hair,
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come round again.

Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it’s not kind.
And when  you go - and go you must -
You, yourself,will make more dust
Analysis (by Jason Joseph) :
Dust if you must is a poem written by Rose Milligan. The rhyming pattern of this poem is a-a-b-b. This poem tries to encourage its readers to be active in participating lots of events or activities.On the first syntax, it shows that we can try doing activities such as painting,baking,or even plant a seed.It explains that in life,our lives are counted and that all of us will eventually die. It also explains since our days are counted we have to make it count and remarkable.So, basically have courage in yourselves and be brave in doing the things you want to do, because you can’t turn back time.Remember that life is truly a gift that that we have to use well. Inside the poem Rose Milligan wrote, it mostly contains repetition and rhymes. These two figurative language are used inside the poem to help readers get a better understanding and traditionally helps memorize the poem . A rhyme can give such musical and predictable pleasure effect especially towards the reader.It also helps in several of the transitions made in the poem such as from line 11 to line 12 which states “ A flutter of snow, a shower of rain. This day will not come round again.”How the word rain and again rhymes help soothe the transition.

Anthem for Doomed Youth

By Wilfred Owen
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
     — Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
     Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
     Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,—
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
     And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
     Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
     The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

Analysis (by Shelley) :
This poem was written during fall in 1917 and published posthumously in 1920. Anthem For Doomed Youth is a war poem. Owen wrote whilst recovering from shell-shock in a Scottish hospital. The year was 1917. Less than a year later Owen was killed in battle. He also being controversial by focusing on the negative aspect of war, which you can see as disrespect for the soldiers, who give their all for the cause. The poem throughout compares the deaths of the soldiers with traditional funeral rites and ceremonies. Maybe, Others think that the poem is extra powerful because it raises the important questions often ignored when countries commit to war - Why should so many die in such a hideous way? How come we are blind to the inhumanity of war?. There's no doubt that Anthem For Doomed Youth explores the darker side of war, aspects that some would rather ignore The poem's success lies in the stark contrast between the furious, explosive reality of the battle and the calm holiness of the church ritual.

The  poem was written in form of a sonnet. The sonnet form is usually about love and romance so that the poem is being ironic. A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem with a rhyme scheme. He wrote the drafts of this sonnet before finally choosing this version with a rhyme scheme of ababcdcdeffegg; the poem ( Anthem For Doomed Youth ) also uses full end rhymes. Example : “cattle/rattle, bells/shells, choirs/shires, all/pall, eyes/goodbyes, minds/blinds”, and one slant rhyme or near rhyme.
Slant rhymes or near rhymes are rhymes in which the stressed syllables of ending consonants match but, the vowel sounds like it does not match. Slant or near rhymes are also called half rhymes. Like “guns/orisons” the consonants are very strong. The poem (Anthem For Doomed Youth )also consists of internal rhyme. It helps to connect the lines. As you can see above “monstrous/mockeries/mourning and passing/pattern/pallor/patient and out/now/brows/flowers” a quiet but profound resonance. In stanza 1 lines 1 and 3 there are words like “cattle/rattle”, which is one of the example of eye rhyme. Eye rhymes are when you look at it, and it looks as if it should rhyme from the spelling but it doesn’t. The poem(Anthem For Doomed Youth ) are no ear rhyme. Usually you see masculine rhymes often in end rhymes. Masculine rhymes are rhymes on one syllable only. Example “bells/shells”. But in feminine rhymes you see two syllables that rhyme it also called as double rhyme, example “cattle/rattle”.
Besides the rhyme scheme. This topic will be also analyze the sound effect in this poems. Owen begins with a bitter tone as he asks rhetorically what "passing-bells" of mourning will sound for those soldiers who die like “cattle in an undignified mass”. His remainder of the stanza is an angry response to this question, with the various brutal sounds of war - including “gunshots and shells”. In the poem (Anthem For Doomed Youth )are no assonances but alliteration. Example in the first stanza lines 5 and 6 : “no mockeries/ no prayers/ nor any” defines that there is a repetition of consonant sounds especially at the beginning of the words. Consonant sound effects are identical consonants but different vowels, as you can see above there are no different vowels such as slip and slop.

From this analysis you can see many types of rhymes and example and also you can see some sound effect inside the poems. The language poem that used by the author is words from the semantic field of funeral rite. And also the vocabulary of war. He was inspired to write poems like Anthem For Doomed Youth because he saw first hand the madness of mass killing and likened it to the slaughter of animals such as cattle. This implied metaphor hints at the act of butchery, with its associated blood and guts and detachment. They were never going to hear any passing-bells - their deaths meant nothing. Personification plays a serious role in the opening ; The guns are angry, shells wail and bugles call. Onomatopoeia and alliteration present in line three, stuttering rifles' rapid rattle. And also the alliteration in line eleven which helps the reader focus on this most sensitive image. So, i hope this analysis help you to understand about rhymes and sound effect better.  


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